Intersession » Documents


All documents pertaining to the Virtual Academy are listed to the right.  
Here is a quick definition of what each item contains.
  • SARC - School Accountability Report Card  Since November 1988, state law has required that schools receiving state funding to prepare and distribute a SARC. A similar requirement is also contained in the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).  It provides information to the community to allow public comparison of schools for student achievement, environment, resources & demographics.
  • School Plan - Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a document that represents a school's cycle of continuous improvement of student achievement. The annual process of developing, reviewing, and updating the SPSA includes a comprehensive review of data and the development of actions necessary to achieve school goals.
  • UPC - Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) complaint is a written and signed statement alleging a violation of federal or state laws or regulations, which may include an allegation of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying. ... Complaints may be filed anonymously.
  • Master Agreement - is a written document that families of the Virtual Academy sign to attend and is in accordance to California law that addresses EC 51747 and AB130.
  • Directions for how to Access Illuminate Student Portal for Report Cards.
  • Directions for how to Submit Assignments and check on student progress on platforms.